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Testimonials Students

Image by Annie Spratt

A student



孩子自從跟她學習後,琴技進步神速,短短3年左右,馬上連獲校際七級及八級鋼琴冠軍。 與此同時,亦考獲皇家八級distinction。



Image by Annie Spratt

Student, Sylvia

Dear Miss Wong, I want to let you know how much I appreciate your teaching in these months.  Thank you for your patience, enthusiasm and skill.  You are the one who inspires me that playing piano requires precise technical skill. You endeavour to motivate me to attain a desirable grade in my piano exam.  Here, I would like to say Thank You So Much Miss Wong! You are like a candle and you consume yourself to light the way for others!

Image by Annie Spratt


Dear Miss Wong:


Image by Annie Spratt


Dear Ms. Wong, Thank you very much for your kind teaching and guidance over the past years.  You are always the outstanding piano teacher by my side who helped me in achieving these excellent results in piano competitions and examinations, this ATCL being no exception. Thank you very much for fostering my interest in music as well. It has always been a pleasure to explore music together with you!

Image by Annie Spratt


Dear Ms. Wong, 雖然我跟您習琴的時間不算長,但我也非常感激您的教導!您是一個很有感染力的老師,很欣賞您對音樂的執著和教學認真的態度,您無時無刻想盡辦法令學生有更大的進步!在您悉心的教導下,我除了在鋼琴技巧和音樂演繹上得到了很多啟發外,我也從您身上學習到很多新的教學法,令我能學以致用,教學更加得心應手!往後的日子裏,仍有很多東西要向您學習,期望我在個人彈奏或是教學上也能更有突破,才不會辜負您用心的教導!再次衷心感謝您!

Image by Annie Spratt

Sherri 媽咪&爸爸

Miss Wong 很多謝你對Sherri的耐心教導!令她學曉用心聆聽和欣賞音樂獲益良多,也順利考入APA!多謝!

Image by Masaaki Komori

學生 - 蘇進峰

Dear Miss Wong, 感謝您多年來的悉心教導,除了彈琴技巧的傳授,你還讓我明白用心欣賞音樂以及認真的態度。感謝你對我的鼓勵和支持,LTCL85分優秀的成績,除了自己的努力外,考官對我琴技的認同,對各首樂曲演繹的讚賞,印證了你在鋼琴音樂上的卓越造詣。

Image by Annie Spratt

a student who has been Stella's student for over 6 years and is now studying in Winchester College of UK)

Dear Ms. Wong, Thank you for everything you have done to help me with my piano. I especially thank you for my music exhibitioner you helped me to achieve in Winchester College! Thanks for being my teacher! 

Image by Masaaki Komori

鋼琴教學法班的學生 Suki

Dear Ms Stella Wong 多謝你的教導,我在課堂中學會了很多與鋼琴相關的知識,獲益良多,每一個課堂所教的都十分有用,謝謝你!

Image by Annie Spratt

學生 - 靜儀

非常感謝您悉心的教導,以及給予我的鼓勵。得到你的幫助,我才可以考到聖三一音樂演奏文憑,ATCL Recital (Piano), 還取得不錯的成績, 令我重拾彈琴的信心。衷心的多謝你,你是最能幫助我考文憑試的老師,無論是選曲,對樂曲風格的理解,如何彈奏,練習,以及考試前的準備等, 都給予精準的指導。

Image by Annie Spratt

a student who has been Stella's student for over 6 years and is now studying in Downhouse of UK

Dear Miss Wong, thanks for fulfilling my dream of attaining the highest level in music! 

Blue Hydrangeas

學生 - Helen

Miss Wong: 謝謝你的教導!令我琴藝上有很大進步! 我會繼續努力的! 

Image by Antonio Grosz

學生 - 茵童

Miss Wong, 你教我彈琴三年,令我琴技進步很大,並且在各項比賽中取得好成績, 及今年考入了演藝學院。我很多謝你! 

Image by Aaron Burden


Dear Miss Wong, Thank you for teaching me to play piano. I am so lucky to have you as my piano teacher!

Image by Annie Spratt


Miss Stella Wong: Thank you for your guidance and patience. You have made my technique become better so that I could get into APA this year!  Thanks for your teaching!

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